How can something as simple and seamless as breathing become such a life threatening struggle? What we take for granted every second of every day has become a nightmare for my mother. How does a body and a pair of lungs become so weak and deteriorated that even continuous supplemental oxygen, powerful antibiotics and the almighty steroid dose pack cannot revive and restore her ability to take a deep breath?
This is day 14 of her struggle to breathe during her battle with pneumonia at age 91. She's fought pneumonia battles in the past and has won the fight. She has defied the odds numerous times.
This time has been very different. For the first time, she has experienced confusion and disorientation with the onset of this evil doer bug. This time we've refused the hospital. What she needs cannot be found at the hospital. I will not subject my mother to the frighteningly unfamiliar people and surroundings there. They don't know her. They don't have the time or resources to care about her. There's just not enough help there. She's just another name on a checklist... Besides, why would I place her in an environment teeming with superbugs like MRSA and Staph? No more...
She is at the Heaven House. She is comfortable and surrounded by caregivers she knows and loves. She has someone with her in her room at all times. She has continuous oxygen, and every comfort measure available. She will NEVER be kicked out or tossed to the curb because she is dying!
She has received the Sacrament of the Sick from Fr. Rick Stansberry and the Apostolic Pardon from Abbot Lawrence Stasyszen. Sr. Rose Power and the Sisters of Mercy have visited her and she continues to be in their prayers. She has every ticket for her First Class Journey to Heaven. It's as though she's stuck on the jet bridge waiting to board the plane. Maybe there are a bunch of really important platinum, business class flyers ahead of her... Maybe there are a bunch of people ahead of her trying to gate check carry on bags that are too big. Really? You can't take it with you! She's got no extra baggage.... I don't understand why they don't just let her board the plane, NOW!
I pray my mother dies a happy death and can go easy in her sleep... Her journey is in God's time. This photo was taken in 1949. She could breathe easy back then. Wasn't she a beauty?