There Might be an Expensive or Explosive visit from the plumber! Pay up!
Do you remember those Person to Person calls and the code we all had? If a loved one was traveling, they would call us Person to Person when they arrived at their destination. It was a great way to cheat the rip-off lady, Ma Bell. When you called Person to Person, the recipient could receive the call and tell the operator that the Person was not there, not available or deceased. It was a great signal that the traveling family member had arrived safely, without the rip-off charge!!! Person to Person call to Judy Garland!
Remember Earnestine? She could connect you person-to-person, station to station or God Forbid if you had to call Collect. What the Hell did you do? Would Your Family Member Accept a Collect Call From You? Yikes....
Wasn't she funny? I'd love to have dinner with Lily Tomlin someday!
Well I have to admit it's really nice these days that we can connect in a cheap way. There's Email, Facebook, Texting, Voicemail. and actually TALKING on the cheap Cell Phone. The Problem is that nobody talks anymore. Texting seems to have super ceded actual voice contact. Whatever... It makes me sad and depressed.
I'm an orphan and I'd really like to talk to somebody, especially since I can't talk to my mom....
She was difficult, but she was my MOM!
Talk to your mom....
Send money...
Just Kidding.....
Love, Teresa Agnes
Love, Teresa Agnes