Hope everyone who is bored enough to read this had a nice Thanksgiving and is preparing for a
Joyful Christmas!
My mother, on the other hand, is really PO'd that she's still around... She's 91 and has outlived all of her siblings and friends... These days, her life is a real debbie downer... She can't hear.. She can't see well enough to read the New York Times, which she used to devour on a daily basis.... along with the Daily Disappointment, my lingo for the Daily Oklahoman. Her glass is neither half full or half empty... Her glass is shattered on the floor!
The good news is that my mom still enjoys a delicious and satisfying meal.... Her favorites include Potato Chips, French Fries, Bacon, Steak, Chocolate and Ice Cream... Hope I didn't leave anything out...
More imporantly, She especially enjoys griping... This is a delightful endeavor for her... She even admits to it! I have the video to prove it...
When you're on Hospice there are NO FORBIDDEN FOODS! May we all live to enjoy such splendor, satisfaction, and gluttony... Let's just hope that the oxygen mask doesn't get in the way of the enjoyment of glorious fried, greasy cholesterol-sugar, laden foods..
Advent is the season to Prepare for the Coming of the Lord... After much thought and consternation, My Mother has decided NOT to sue God or the LORD, for living too long with multiple ailments and without her siblings... At least for this year.... She's still really mad about the whole thing. All that being said, she's decided, in her infinite wisdom, after assessing God's assets, he doesn't have enough money to pay her off... What good what it do her? She'd spend way too much in attorney fees....
Feliz Navidad...
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