"We're all in the waiting room"

Monday, June 16, 2014

Middle Aged Orphan Notices Disturbing Onset of "Old Lady" Monikers and Salutations

Why is it that all of the sudden since my mom died I keep noticing clerks and waiters calling me Ma'am?   Really?  Do I look that old?  Do I really look like a "Ma'am"?

I know I'm probably being overly sensitive but what ever happened to "Miss",  "Missy", "Hun", "Young Lady"? 

 Hell, I'd prefer "Hey Lady" or "Hey You".

I just don't get it.  I don't even use a walker, cane or wheelchair.  All of my mother's DME, Durable Medical Equipment, has been removed from my vehicle and is stored in the garage.

I can still feed myself, dress, toilet, climb stairs, and shower independently.  What's with the Ma'am stuff?  I much prefer to be called Little Orphan Agnes, Little Nut Brown, Teresa Agnes, Ag, or Fat Ass.  Just anything but Ma'am.

Please don't tell me you see a resemblance to a Ma'am...  I still color my hair and wear contact lenses!  

Enough with the Ma'am stuff.  Please stop already!

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