Thanks for coming back for part two...
Take your shower before bed... I've made this a habit. Have your clothes out for the morning. This makes life so much easier when you get the FALL CALL at 2 am... Trust me. If you don't do this you're going to start smelling yourself when you spend 10+ hours in the ER. Nasty indeed!
Also, keep a full tank of gas in your car.
Always keep lots of change in your wallet. It's likely you're going to have to rely on a vending machine to keep yourself upright. You never want to venture far from the ER treatment room just in case the doc comes in to give you the news; good, bad, or ugly... This can take hours, especially if your loved one happens to fall on a Friday or Saturday night when the knife and gun club gather. It's really busy then...
I can't say it enough, but keep your Smart Ass Phone fully charged. Sometimes you can't use it for phone calls in the ER, but you can still access your parent or loved one's photos of medication lists, prior surgeries, allergies, physician contact information.
When your parent or loved gets transferred to an inpatient room, centuries later, be sure to show the admitting nurse the photo of the med list, surgery list, allergy list, ad nauseum from your SMART ASS PHONE. You'd be shocked at how much of this information gets lost in the transfer from the ER to the patient floor...
Sorry. This is just the way it is... Are you ready to sign up for a Sunset Cruise? Check out my End of Life Fantasy Post!
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