Things change a lot when your parent or loved one can no longer walk independently. At first, they might be dealing with a cane. No big deal. Slowly or suddenly, they move into the world of walkers. Walkers are not all created equal... Some are really dangerous... Ask your parent's physical therapist or physician about the best choice for your loved one..
Unfortunately, the next step is the Wheelchair.
If you're loved one is on Medicare or qualifies for Hospice, he or she probably qualifies for a free wheelchair. He or she will get a top rate wheelchair. The doctor will need to write the order.
Beyond this point, you're on your own.... If you have a bad back, you'd better invest in a "transport chair". This is especially true if you plan to take your parent or loved one out to a restaurant or shopping. The transport chair weighs 16-18 lbs. A standard wheelchair weighs about 40 lbs... This is the difference between back surgery and a NORMAL LIFE!
You'll need a vehicle that can accommodate the wheelchair. It's also a really good idea to find a car that your parent or loved one can transfer into easily. PIck-Up Trucks or Full Size SUV's are mountain climbing FALL CALLs waiting to happen... Find a car that's about the same height as the wheelchair seat.
The term Transfer will become very important in your life. It's an integral part of the ASS-isted Living Lexicon. Your parent must be able to transfer their ass to the bed, toilet, chair, etc. in order to qualify for Ass-isted Living... Sorry for the transgression. This is another post,,,' Another time..
Back to wheelchairs... Good luck to you if you have many doctors appointments for your parent. I take my mom to the dentist four times a year and to the eye doctor at least twice a year. Neither office has automatic doors. I have to get my mom out of the car, into the transport chair, and to the door. Then I have to open the door with my right arm and try to wheel her in with my left arm... Meanwhile, I can see people in the waiting room just staring at us and not bothering to open the door or help... Really? Don't get me started...
Please... If you see somebody struggling to push an occupied wheelchair into a doctor's office, restaurant, bar, brothel or wherever, get off your fat ass and help... Do a good deed and open the door!
Why is it that grocery stores that are full of processed, carbo coma, fried foods that are so bad for us, have automatic doors and doctor's offices do not? Hmmmmm...
Bon Nuit!
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