"We're all in the waiting room"

Monday, November 18, 2013

The Holiday Snowjob

Welcome to the much anticipated Holiday Season!  It's supposed to be so festive, joyful, bright and sunshiny.  Everybody's healthy, alive, and gets along great!  What a crock... Bah Humbug...

The joy and splendor of the holidays really belongs to WalMart, Target, and Best Buy. $$$ 

The rest of us are led to believe that everyone, but us, is having fun during this glorious time....  Yeah right... Don't buy into it...

When you have a loved one or parent who is experiencing the "end of life", it can be anything but that...  You might be spending Thanksgiving in the ER, ICU or Hospice.  Forget the turkey and dressing.  It's all you can do take a shower, get dressed and get your ass over to the hospital.   Just remember that the people working there are missing out too, just in a less profound and painful way.

I didn't decorate my house for the holidays for five years after my dad died..  Then finally one day, during our neighborhood association meeting, I volunteered to host a portion of the neighborhood holiday progressive dinner...  Well that was the kick in the ass that I needed.  We bought a new tree.  I pulled out all the decorations and we started celebrating the holidays again.  I guess it takes what it takes.

No we don't have a "Kodak" family...  It's never going to be that fabulous Burl Ives sings "Rudolph".    But it is a special time of year and hopefully some, if not most of us, have some happy memories to reclaim and most of all, something or someone to be Thankful For

Cherish your memories, Embrace what you still have and Celebrate the good!

Stay the Hell out of WalMart, Target and Best Buy.  And stop with the Christmas Music Already.... Obnoxious indeed!

Go Baste your Butterball and Get On With It!

1 comment:

  1. Ever since my mom died I just haven't been in the holiday spirit - try as I might I'm just over it all. Maybe I just need a good kick in the ass too!
